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Vivace Chorus is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for everyone involved in the musical activities we organise. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • members of the choir, those working for or with us in any capacity, and members of the public
  • rehearsals, workshops, concerts, fundraising and social events.

1 – Responsibilities

The Vivace Chorus committee takes overall responsibility for health and safety. We recognise that we have a special duty of care to those who may be at increased risk due to disability or inexperience.

At rehearsals, workshops and concerts, practical responsibility for health and safety sits with the committee.

At fundraising or social events, practical responsibility for health and safety sits with the event organiser designated by the committee.

All members of Vivace Chorus must take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other choir members, audience members and anyone else who may be affected by their actions.

Members must be alert to health and safety issues and draw attention to anything encountered during choir activities that could be a hazard.

2 – How we will keep people safe

We will seek to prevent accidents or injury by managing the health and safety risks at events we organise.

We will do this by:

  • visiting venues for performances and events to complete a risk assessment covering suitability, access and safety (including fire safety) prior to a performance taking place. Where regular venues are used, risk assessments will be reviewed annually or sooner if required 
  • designating Fire Wardens from within the choir to provide support in the event of a fire. At least one person present at a hired venue will be responsible for knowing fire procedures within the venue and for communicating them as required
  • designating trained First Aiders from within the choir to provide support as needed. At least one person present at a hired venue will have awareness of First Aid procedures, and the location of kits and equipment
  • ensuring that all electrical and musical equipment we own or hire is in a good state of repair, well maintained and complies with relevant, current legislation – for hired equipment, the responsibility for testing lies with the hire company
  • ensuring that all members of the choir are made aware of specific safety issues at each venue, including fire exit procedures.

This policy will be shared with members, and risk assessments will be made available on request. 


Policy agreed by:Vivace Chorus Committee 
Date policy agreed:March 2024
Author:Michelle Mumford MCIPD 
Date of next review:March 2025

This policy is also attached as a document.